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   (a)   MB-NC-2 Districts. The occupied floor area of nonresidential uses permitted by Section 909 on the first story of buildings on lots in the MB-NC-2 district shall be limited to the area of the first story to a depth of 60 feet from the front property line of the lot, or, in the case of a corner lot, from the two front property lines, except as provided in Subsection (d).
   (b)   MB-NC-3 District. The occupied floor area of nonresidential uses permitted by Section 910 on the first and second story of buildings on lots in the MB-NC-3 District shall be limited to the area of the first and second stories to a depth of 80 feet from the front property line of the lot, or, in the case of a corner lot, from the front two property lines, except as provided in Subsection (d).
   (c)   MB-CN-S Districts. The gross floor area of nonresidential uses permitted by Section 911 in the MB-CN-S Districts shall be limited as follows:
      Development Block 35 - 40,000 gross square feet
      Development Block 53 - 60,000 gross square feet
   (d)   In Development Blocks 27A, 33A and 50A, additional occupied floor area shall be permitted for non-profit live-work, child care, cultural, educational, health, recreational or social service facilities to the extent that the additional floor area will be accommodated in a building or buildings which conform to the applicable building standards of the district and the design guidelines of the Mission Bay Plan. The facilities may be located above the first story provided that the number of units specified by Section 920, or as modified pursuant to the provisions of Section 920, will also be provided. Provision of these facilities shall not preclude open space amenities on these sites.
(Added by Ord. 63-91, App. 2/27/91)