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SEC. 890.80.  PUBLIC USE.
   A publicly or privately owned use which provides public services to the community, whether conducted within a building or on an open lot, and which has operating requirements which necessitate location within the district, including civic structures such as museums, post offices, administrative offices of government agencies, public libraries, police stations, transportation facilities, utility installations, and Internet Services Exchange. Such use shall not include service yards, machine shops, garages, incinerators and publicly operated parking in a garage or lot. Public uses shall also include a community recycling collection center, as defined in Subsection (a) below.
   (a)   Community Recycling Collection Center. A public use, which collects, stores or handles recyclable materials, including glass and glass bottles, newspaper, aluminum, paper and paper products, plastic and other materials which may be processed and recovered, if within a completely enclosed container or building, having no openings other than fixed windows or exits required by law. This use shall not include the storage, exchange, packing, disassembling or handling of waste, used furniture and household equipment, used cars in operable condition, used or salvaged machinery, or salvaged housewrecking and structural steel materials and equipment.
(Added by Ord. 131-87, App. 4/24/87; amended by Ord. 77-02, File No. 011448, App. 5/24/2002; Ord. 166-16 , File No. 160477, App. 8/11/2016, Eff. 9/10/2016)
Introductory paragraph amended; Ord. 166-16 , Eff. 9/10/2016.