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In order to preserve the potential mix and variety of goods and services provided to the Excelsior, yet provide the possibility for reasonable commercial expansion and intensification which would not disrupt the residential character of the surrounding neighborhoods, there shall be a Mission-Harrington Special Use District, located at 4550 Mission Street, at the intersection with Harrington Street, at Assessor's Block 3148, Lot 1, as designated on the Special Use District Map SU11 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco.
(a) Purpose and Findings. In addition to the purposes stated in Section 701 of this Code, the following purposes and findings form a basis for special regulations and provide guidance for their application in the Mission-Harrington Special Use District.
(1) The Mission-Harrington Special Use District is in the north-eastern part of the block bounded by Mission Street, Harrington Street, Norton Street and Alemany Boulevard, in the Excelsior. It is currently developed with a single-story commercial building, and has historically been used as a retail business. The rest of the lots on the same block, on Mission Street, are devoted to commercial uses, with some properties having residential uses above retail. Behind the commercial properties, there is a municipal parking lot; the remaining properties on the block are single family homes.
(2) The lot where the District is located has been underutilized for more than a decade. The Community has partnered with the City on numerous occasions to develop the site, without success.
(3) The District is located on a major transit-corridor and in a vibrant economic corridor. It is further in close proximity to both a 50-X and 65-X Zone Height and Bulk Zone, in an appropriate location for high-density in-fill mixed-use development.
(b) Controls. All of the controls for the NC-3 District, as set forth in Section 712.1 and Table 712 of this Code, shall apply to the Mission-Harrington Special Use District, except as provided below:
Zoning Category No. | Controls |
.10 | Height: 56 feet (56-X) |
§ 207.4 | One unit allowed for every 400 sf of lot area |
.22 | No off-street parking required |
.12 | No rear setback required |
(Added by Ord. 253-08, File No. 080883)
Editor's Note:
This section was originally designated 780.3 when enacted by Ord. 253-08. The section was redesignated by the editor in order to avoid conflicting with previously existing material.
This section was originally designated 780.3 when enacted by Ord. 253-08. The section was redesignated by the editor in order to avoid conflicting with previously existing material.