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(a) Purpose. The Board takes legislative notice of the purpose of the Balboa Park Station Area Plan as articulated in the Balboa Park Station Area Plan of the San Francisco General Plan. The Balboa Park Station Area Plan is a part of the Better Neighborhoods Program that recognizes population growth is beneficial in neighborhoods well-served by transit. As such, the Balboa Park Area Plan aims to strengthen neighborhood character, the neighborhood commercial district, and transit by increasing the housing and retail capacity in the area. This project goal will also help to meet ABAG's projected demand to provide housing in the Bay Area by encouraging the construction of higher density housing. The Balboa Park Plan Area can better accommodate this growth because of its easy access to public transit, proximity to downtown, convenience of neighborhood shops to meet daily needs, and the availability of development opportunity sites. San Francisco's land constraints limit new housing construction to areas of the City not previously designated as residential areas, infill sites, or areas that can absorb increased density. The Balboa Park Plan Area presents an opportunity to both absorb increased density and provide infill development within easy walking distance to transit while maintaining neighborhood character. The Plan builds on existing neighborhood character and establishes new standards for amenities necessary for a transit-oriented neighborhood.
In addition, the Board takes legislative notice of the findings made in the Balboa Park Station Area Plan that support the establishment of the Balboa Park Community Improvements Fund.
(b) Findings. The Board of Supervisors has reviewed the San Francisco Citywide Nexus Analysis prepared by AECOM dated March 2014 ("Nexus Analysis"), the San Francisco Infrastructure Level of Service Analysis prepared by AECOM dated March 2014, and the Transportation Sustainability Fee Nexus Study (TSF Nexus Study), dated May, 2015, on file with the Clerk of the Board in Files Nos. 150149 and 150790, and, under Section 401A, adopts the findings and conclusions of those studies and the general and specific findings in that Section, specifically including the Recreation and Open Space Findings, Pedestrian and Streetscape Findings, Childcare Findings, Bicycle Infrastructure Findings, and Transit Findings, and incorporates those by reference herein to support the imposition of the fees under this Section.