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   (a)   Purpose. Existing public park facilities located in the downtown office districts are at or approaching capacity utilization by the daytime population in those districts. The need for additional public park and recreation facilities in the downtown districts will increase as the daytime population increases as a result of continued office development in those areas. While the open space requirements imposed on individual office and retail developments address the need for plazas and other local outdoor sitting areas to serve employees and visitors in the districts, such open space cannot provide the same recreational opportunities as a public park. In order to provide the City and County of San Francisco with the financial resources to acquire and develop public park and recreation facilities which will be necessary to serve the burgeoning daytime population in these districts, a Downtown Park Fund shall be established as set forth herein.
   (b)   Findings. The Board of Supervisors has reviewed the San Francisco Citywide Nexus Analysis prepared by AECOM dated March 2014 ("Nexus Analysis"), and the San Francisco Infrastructure Level of Service Analysis prepared by AECOM dated March 2014, both on file with the Clerk of the Board in File No. 150149 and, under Section 401A, adopts the findings and conclusions of those studies and the general and specific findings in that Section, specifically including the Recreation and Open Space Findings, and incorporates those by reference herein to support the imposition of the fees under this Section.
(Added by Ord. 108-10, File No. 091275, App. 5/25/2010; amended by Ord. 182-12 , File No. 120665, App. 8/8/2012, Eff. 9/7/2012; Ord. 50-15 , File No. 150149, App. 4/24/2015, Eff. 5/24/2015)
Section amended; Ord. 182-12 , Eff. 9/7/2012. Section header amended; former section designated as division (a) and amended; division (b) added; Ord. 50-15 , Eff. 5/24/2015.