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(a) In order to facilitate development of the 901 Bush Project in a manner consistent with City policies and neighborhood character, there shall be the 901 Bush Special Use District consisting of Assessor's Block 0282, Lot 001 as designated on the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco and generally bounded by Bush Street to the north, Taylor Street to the East, and Assessor's Block 0282 Lots 017 and 022 to the west and south, respectively.
(b) All the applicable provisions of the Planning Code for RC-4 Districts shall apply within this Special Use District except for the following:
(1) Residential Density. The maximum density ratio for Dwelling Units in RC-4 Districts as set forth in RC Zoning Control Table shall not apply. Density in the Special Use District shall not exceed one Dwelling Unit for each 120 square feet of lot area.
(2) Rear Yard. The rear yard requirements established by Section 134 of this Code shall not apply. The rear yard depth shall be 9 percent of total lot depth.
(3) Open Space. The dimensional requirements for useable open space established by Section 135(g) of this Code shall not apply.
(4) Affordable Housing. Notwithstanding the terms of Sections 415et seq. of this Code, and due to the unique circumstances of the site, the existing building, and the property's history; the existing residential project within this Special Use District shall contain five on-site inclusionary affordable housing units that meet all other requirements of Sections 415et seq.
(c) The terms of this Special Use District shall apply only to the existing building on the subject lot and all successor lots or units that may be created though a subdivision. Any demolition, new construction, or building additions within this Special Use District shall be subject to all applicable terms of the Planning Code in effect at the time of the demolition, new construction, or building addition.