(a)    Any money appropriated by City Council into the Council Contingency Fund shall be used for City projects having an impact on the City, or any part thereof, lasting greater than one (1) year and should be for the long term benefit of a particular City ward or wards or the City of Salem as a whole.
   (b)    Any member of Council may propose any such project which shall then be considered at a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. The Committee shall decide by a majority vote if the project meets the criteria as set out in Section (a). Upon motion and a proper second, with a majority of sitting Council members voting in the affirmative, the expenditure shall be formalized through an ordinance or resolution and brought before Council at the next Council meeting or at such other meeting as determined by the Committee of the Whole.
   (c)    Any project proposed and confirmed by Council shall still be subject to all requirements as set out in the Ohio Revised Code and by City Ordinance including but not limited to bidding requirements.
   (d)    As with any other fund, Council may make such appropriations or reductions to the Council Contingency Fund that they deem necessary and proper for the benefit of the City of Salem. (Ord. 171219-69. Passed 12-19-17.)