(a)    All public servants including elected officials, department administrators and supervisors and members of any board or commission shall sign an acknowledgment indicating that they have an understanding of the Conflict of Interest Policy as enumerated herein and further that they shall abide by and be bound by it’s terms. Such signed acknowledgment shall be provided to each elected official at the commencement of his or her term and shall be reaffirmed by new acknowledgment upon the commencement of each successive term. Acknowledgment by department administrators and supervisors shall be signed at the commencement of their employment and shall be binding throughout the term of that employment. Any member of a board or commission shall sign an acknowledgment upon appointment to such board or commission which shall be binding throughout the period of their service and shall sign a new acknowledgment each time they are re-appointed to the same position or any other position. Failure of any elected official, department administrator or supervisor or member of any Board or Commission to sign an acknowledgment as described above shall not in any way alter, change, diminish, obviate or limit their responsibility or requirement to follow the terms of this Conflict of Interest Policy as described in Chapter 109.
   (b)    That a copy of this Conflict of Interest Policy and acknowledgment form shall upon passage of this Ordinance be forthwith disseminated by the Council Clerk to each elected official, department administrator, Board or Commission Chairman who shall then assure that all supervisors or Board or Commission members receive a copy. Each person as described above shall sign the acknowledgment and return such to the Council Clerk within thirty (30) days of their employment, appointment or election. The Council Clerk shall maintain a file which contains acknowledgments of all the elected officials, department administrators and supervisors and members of any Board and/or Commission.
   (c)    Each elected official, department administrator, Board or Commission Chairman shall be responsible for the return of signed acknowledgments to the Council Clerk at the commencement of each new term, employment or appointment of themself or any supervisor, Board or Commission member serving with or for them.
(Ord. 010501-34. Passed 5-15-01.)