(a)    No public servant shall have a personal interest in any official action. If a law or policy permits a public servant to have such an interest, in seeking the opportunity to further that interest, or in furthering the interest if the opportunity is obtained, the public servant who has the interest shall comply fully with all procedures required under the applicable laws or policies, and shall not, under any circumstances, gain or attempt to gain any advantage by virtue of being in a public position.
   (b)    No public servant shall accept or receive, directly or indirectly, from any person, including one whose identity is unknown to the public servant, any personal benefit under circumstances in which it can reasonably be inferred that the benefit is intended to influence the public servant in the performance or nonperformance of any official duty or as a reward for any official action of the public servant.
   (c)    No person, including any vendor, contractor, business, or board of the City, shall offer or give any personal benefit to any public servant or any partner-in-interest of the public servant.
   (d)    No public servant nor partner in interest of that public servant shall solicit from any person, directly or indirectly, any personal benefit, regardless of value, or the promise of receiving a personal benefit in the future, for the public servant.
   (e)    No current or former public servant shall intentionally use or disclose information gained in the course of, or by reason of, his or her official position or activities in any way that could result in the receipt of any personal benefit for the public servant, for a partner in interest of that public servant, or for any other person, if the information is not public information or if the public servant has not been authorized to communicate it to the public. This provision shall not:
      (1)    Prohibit the disclosure of any such information to incumbent public servants to whose duties the information may be pertinent; or
      (2)    Prevent any public servant from reporting violations of this chapter or other illegal acts to the proper authorities; or
      (3)    Prohibit the disclosure of any such information the disclosure of which is required by law.
(Ord. 010501-34. Passed 5-15-01.)