An Exterior Lighting Plan is required for all commercial, industrial and multiple family projects in excess of six dwelling units as well as exterior lighting changes to existing commercial, industrial and multiple family locations. The lighting plan shall demonstrate compliance with the exterior lighting standards of this chapter, and shall include the following items:
   (a)   A site plan showing location of all exterior light fixtures, controllers and transformers.
   (b)   Property boundaries, building location(s), parking lot layout, pedestrian paths, adjacent rights-of-way, north arrow and scale.
   (c)   Specifications, drawings and photographs for all exterior light fixture types, poles, conduit and appurtenant construction.
   (d)   Lamp wattage of all proposed luminaries.
   (e)   Information that indicates a minimum light level of one-half (0.5) foot-candles at grade in all vehicular use areas and connecting pedestrian paths.
   (f)   Cut sheets for all proposed exterior light fixtures and poles.
   (g)   A lighting grid patter at twenty (20) foot intervals representing light levels in foot candles. This grid pattern shall extend fifty (50) feet beyond all property lines and show luminary locations.
   (h)   Additional information and data that is necessary to reasonably to evaluate the required lighting plan.
      (Ord. 070605-28. Passed 6-19-07.)