(a)    Compliance. All persons shall meet the minimum standards set forth in this section to be in compliance with this Code.
      (b)    Kitchen Facilities. Every dwelling unit shall have a room or portion of a room in which food may be prepared and/or cooked, which shall have adequate circulation area, and which shall be equipped with the following:
       (1)    A kitchen sink in good working condition and properly connected to a water supply system which is approved by the County Board of Health and which provides at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure, and which is connected to a sewer system approved by the County Board of Health.
            (2)    Cabinets and/or shelves for the storage of eating, drinking and cooking equipment and utensils.
            (3)    A stove for cooking food and a refrigerator for the safe storage of food at temperatures less than 45 F., which are properly installed with all necessary connections for safe, sanitary and efficient operation; provided that such stove and refrigerator need not be installed when a dwelling unit is not occupied and when the occupant is expected to provide same as a condition of occupancy, and that sufficient space and adequate connections for the safe and efficient installation and operation of such stove and refrigerator are provided.
   (c)    Flush Water Closet. Within every dwelling unit there shall be a nonhabitable room which affords privacy to a person within such room and which is equipped with a flush water closet in good working condition. The flush water closet shall be equipped with easily cleanable surfaces, be properly connected to a water system that at all times provides an adequate amount of running water under pressure to cause the water closet to be operated properly, and shall be properly connected to a sewer system which is approved by the County Board of Health.
      (d)    Lavatory Sink. Within every dwelling unit there shall be a lavatory sink located in another room, the lavatory sink shall be located in close proximity to the door leading directly into the room in which such water closet is located. The lavatory sink shall be in good working condition and properly connected to a water supply system which is approved by the County Board of Health and which always provides at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure, and which is connected to a sewer system approved by the County Board of Health.
      (e)    Bathtub or Shower. Within every dwelling unit there shall be a room which affords privacy to a person within such room and which is equipped with a bathtub or shower in good working condition. All bathtub or shower wall areas (enclosures) will be properly maintained. Such bathtub or shower may be in the same room as the flush water closet or in another room and shall be properly connected to a water supply system which is approved by the County Board of Health and which provides at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated water under pressure, and which is connected to a sewer system approved by the County Board of Health.
   (f)    Rubbish Storage and Garbage Disposal. Every dwelling/dwelling unit shall have adequate trash, rubbish and garbage storage containers in which to place the trash, garbage and rubbish produced thereon. The owner/agent of every non owner occupied dwelling unit shall be required to provide adequate trash, rubbish and garbage storage containers for each dwelling unit in which to place trash, garbage and rubbish produced thereon. The trash containers shall be watertight and rodent proof.
      (1)    Trash Containers Allowed on the Curb Lawn: Trash containers and/or plastic refuse bags properly sealed are permitted to remain on the curb lawn/city right of way for a period of twenty four (24) hours for the purpose of trash pick up. The twenty four (24) hour period shall commence from the time the containers are placed out for pick up and end when the containers are removed from the curb lawn/city right of way after trash pick up.
      (2)    Storage of Trash Containers: Storage of trash containers (other than allowed twenty four (24) hours for trash pick up) shall be behind the rear of the dwelling when applicable or to the rear most portion of the side yard which is not adjacent to a roadway. Trash containers may also be stored inside a structure.
      (3)    Fermenting, putrefying or odorous garbage or other refuse in containers other than trash containers described in Section 1309.03 or dumped in the open is not permitted.
       (4)    Every dwelling/dwelling unit shall have adequate garbage, rubbish and trash removal. The owner/agent of every non owner occupied dwelling unit shall provide adequate garbage, rubbish and trash removal. Garbage, rubbish and trash shall not be permitted to accumulate under any condition on any residential property or city curb lawn right of way for more than seven (7) days. Garbage shall not be permitted to accumulate under any conditions in any vehicle overnight.. When such a condition does exist past seven (7) days, the City of Salem will have the garbage, rubbish or trash removed. When such garbage, rubbish or trash is removed by the city, a processing fee consisting of one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus the actual cost of removal shall be charged to the property owner.
                  A.    In the event the property owner fails to pay the cost incurred within five (5) days after being notified of such cost by the Housing Inspector, and it becomes necessary to certify the expense incurred by the City to the Auditor of Columbiana County and to place upon the tax duplicate for collection as a special assessment, the Housing Inspector shall certify the cost to the City Auditor, and an additional charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be assessed for the purpose of defraying the cost of such certification.
    (g)    Water Heating Facilities. Every dwelling unit shall have supplied water heating facilities which are properly installed, maintained in safe and good working condition, properly connected with hot water lines and are capable of heating water to such a temperature as to permit an amount of water to be drawn at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub or shower at a temperature not greater than 120 degrees F.
      (h)    Exits. Every dwelling unit shall have at least two means of egress leading to safe and open space at ground level. Every dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling shall have immediate access to two or more approved means of egress leading to safe and open space at ground level. Bedrooms located above the second floor shall be provided with an exterior door or window of such dimensions as to be used as a means of emergency egress.
   (i)    Handrails. Structurally sound handrails shall be provided on any steps containing five risers or more. If steps are not enclosed handrails and balusters spaced no more than six inches apart shall be provided. Porches and/or balconies located more than three feet higher than the adjacent area shall have structurally sound protective handrails thirty to thirty six inches high and, if unenclosed, baluster spaced no less than six inches apart shall also be provided.
      (j)    Access ways. Access to or egress from each dwelling unit shall be provided without passing through another dwelling or dwelling unit.
   (k)   Exterior Door locks. All exterior doors of the dwelling or dwelling unit shall be equipped with safe, functioning locking devices.
   (1)   Smoke Detectors. All dwelling units shall be equipped with properly placed, and functioning smoke detectors. At least one functioning smoke detector per floor and basement is required.
   (m)    Fire Extinguisher. All licensed dwelling units shall have a minimum of a 1A10BC rated fire extinguisher easily accessible.
(Ord. 210119-02. Passed 1-19-21.)