(a) The following minimum yards, measured in feet, shall be provided in this district.
(1) Front, 25
(2) Side, 10
(3) Rear, 25
(b) Whenever a lot abuts upon a public alley, one-half of the alley width may be considered as a portion of the required yard. For the purpose of side yard regulations, a two- family dwelling or multiple dwelling shall be considered as one building occupying one lot.
(Ord. 711103-112. Passed 5-1-73.)
(Ord. 711103-112. Passed 5-1-73.)
(c) On all single family dwellings and main structures, and single building, multiple family units on a lot or parcel, the front entrances shall face the front or street line.
(d) In the case of a single building, two family dwelling on a lot or parcel, at least one entrance shall face the front or street line.
(e) In the case of multiple buildings, multiple family dwellings, all front entrances shall either face the common driveway provided for access to the buildings or, in the event of rear driveway access, all front entrances shall face the open space courtyard. The front entrances of the dwellings adjacent to the street line may face the street line. However, in the case of a development of five or more buildings located on private driveways, the entrances may face in any direction to suit the overall plan of the development.
(Ord. 810915-74. Passed 1-19-82.)