Ordinance   Passed      Designated   Description
731218-144   4-4-74      RS-2      Annexed land of Virgil Whinnery along Merle Road. - 3.94/A
740618-53   10-1-74   RA      North of Salem Plaza by Santee & Capel from C-2.
761103-95   2-15-77   RA      Annexed land of Dolansky-Zilavy Development, Inc. along Butcher & Cunningham Roads. - 62.0/A
            C-2      Annexed land of Dolansky-Zilavy Development Inc. along E. State Street and Butcher Road - 28.0/A
770503-35   9-20-77   C-2      Lot 1-A north of Salem Plaza by Santee-Capel from RA - .344/A
770621-58   9-20-77   RA      Bordered by Franklin and S.E. Blvd. by William Slanker - 15.91/A from RS-1.
771004-97   12-6-77   RA      Bordered by Columbia St. & Penn Ave. by Art Schuster & Frank Rubury from C-2.
771018-102   12-6-77   C-2      Bordered by E. Pershing, Ohio, E. State, Rose and N. Lincoln from RA by City.
780502-61   8-1-78      RD      Along east side of Hawley Ave. south of E. Sixth St. by First Christian Church from RS-3.
780620-80   9-5-78      RA      Lot 5 along S.E. Blvd. by Zilavy Const., Inc. from RS-2.
790220-28   5-15-79   RA      Land previously designated RS-1.
790320-39   7-17-79   C-1      Lands previously designated C-2, M-2 and RS-3.
810106-3   6-2-81      M-2      Lands recently annexed.