The Planning Commission shall give approval to the type of pavement construction to be used in each subdivision.
(a) Class A-1, Rigid Pavement. This work shall consist of a seven-inch pavement composed of reinforced Portland cement concrete constructed on a prepared subgrade and four inch base course in accordance with Salem Standard Drawing A-1 and with the specifications set forth in the current State of Ohio Department of Transportation Manual and in reasonably close conformity with the lines and grade, thickness and typical cross section shown on the plans; except, that load transfer devices shall not be required at transverse joints and that transverse contraction joints shall be required at fifteen foot intervals.
(Ord. 731120-128. Passed 1-15-71.)
(b) Class B-1 Flexible Pavement. This work shall consist of eight inches of Item 304 Aggregate Base, Bituminum penetration coat; one and one-half inches Item 403 Asphaltic Concrete Leveling Coarse; one inch Item 404 Asphaltic Concrete Finish Coarse Spread and compacted on a prepared surface in accordance with specifications set forth in the current State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Manual and in reasonable close conformity with lines, grades, thickness and typical Standard Section B-1.
(c) EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsections (c), (d) and (e) hereof were repealed by Ordinance 001205-89, passed April 3, 2001.)
(d) EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsections (c), (d) and (e) hereof were repealed by Ordinance 001205-89, passed April 3, 2001.)
(e) EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsections (c), (d) and (e) hereof were repealed by Ordinance 001205-89, passed April 3, 2001.)
(f) Subsurface Soil Conditions.
(1) The estimate of quantities shall include adequate granular material to replace any unsuitable soil conditions that, in the opinion of the subdivider's engineer, should be replaced.
(2) The City will not accept a street for dedication where any structure is placed on unstable soil. Where unstable soil conditions exist, the unstable soil must be removed and replaced with approved granular material.
(g) Storm Drainage System; Sewers.
(1) All subdivisions and site development projects shall be designed to adequately collect, control and adequately dispose of storm water drainage from the site in accordance with the City's Storm Water Management Regulations. In addition, all subdivisions and site design projects shall be designed to prevent erosion and control sediment in accordance with the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations.
(2) In the design of the storm drainage system for a proposed subdivision or a site development project, the calculations for sizes of drainage facilities shall include the entire drainage area involved which must include the future run-off of adjacent land acres and off-site drainage.
(3) Design of storm water run-off shall be in accordance with the Storm Water Management and Erosion and Sedimentation Control Regulations, as adopted by the City of Salem. These regulations include the design of storm sewers, roadway drainage and detention/retention systems. Drainage plans, hydrology and hydraulic calculations, routing calculations, drainage maps and storm water management reports must be prepared in accordance with the regulations and submitted to the City Planning and Zoning Department for approval prior to beginning any construction.
(4) Design of erosion and sediment control measures shall be in accordance with the Storm Water Management and Erosion and Sedimentation Control Regulations, as adopted by the City of Salem. These regulations include: the preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) using best management practices during construction and the design of Post Construction Water Quality Features. The SWPPP and Water Quality Features must be prepared in accordance with these regulations and submitted to the City Planning and Zoning Department for approval prior to beginning any construction.
(5) Drainage system plans shall indicate the connection of the proposed storm drainage system with the existing City drainage system. Plans will not be approved where provision has not been made to properly manage the increased storm water run-off created by the proposed development, as per the Storm Water Management and Erosion and Sedimentation Control Regulations. In the event that a City storm drainage system does not exist, either as an open ditch or an enclosed pipe, the subdivider shall complete, or agree to complete, any portion of the storm drainage system as the Planning Commission may require in the public interest as a prerequisite of its approval for the dedication of the completed improvement. In the event Council shall, by resolution indicate their intention to install any part of the storm drainage improvements, the Planning Commission may relieve the subdivider of responsibility for that portion of the installation.
(Ord. 080902-62. Passed 9-2-08.)
(h) Sanitary Sewers.
(1) The design of sanitary sewers shall meet all the requirements of the State of Ohio Department of Health.
(2) Laterals shall be placed from the main sewer to a point at least three feet back of the curb line. The final location of each lateral shall be recorded on the plans and presented to the Engineering Department to be placed on record.
(3) All construction items shall be in accordance with supplementary specifications and standard drawings which are available at the office of the City Engineer.
(4) The subdivider shall connect his proposed sanitary sewer system to the nearest existing available City sanitary sewer. The plans shall indicate all necessary pumping stations and appurtenances required by a complete system.
The subdivider must receive approval of his proposed plan and connection to the City sewer from the Superintendent of Utilities.
(5) In the event the City sanitary sewer system does not exist in the area of the proposed improvement, or the existing system is not adequate as to size, the subdivider shall complete and supplement, or agree to complete and supplement, any portion of the sanitary sewer systems as the Planning Commission may require in the public interest as a prerequisite of its approval for the dedication of the completed right-of-way improvement.
In the event Council shall, by resolution, indicate their intention to install any part of the sanitary system, the Planning Commission may relieve the subdivider of responsibility for that portion of the installation.
(6) Premium joint pipe shall be used for all interceptor sewers and all laterals between the interceptor sewer and its connection to the cast iron soil pipe at the building.
(i) Water Mains.
(1) The subdivider's engineer shall confer with the Superintendent of Utilities in the determination of the size and location of water mains to be installed in the project. The subdivider will be advised as to his responsibility and cost in the installation of the main.
(2) In the event a City water main does not exist in the area or that an existing main is of inadequate size, the subdivider shall complete and supplement, or agree to complete and supplement, any portion of the water system as the Utilities Commission may require as a prerequisite for the approval for the dedication of the completed right-of-way improvement. In the event the Utilities Commission indicates their intentions to install any part of the water system, or indicates their intention to assume the cost of any portion of the system, the subdivider may be relieved of the responsibility for that part of the system or of that portion of the cost.
(Ord. 731120-128. Passed 1-15-74.)