(a) Inspection of the work shall be performed by a qualified person or firm selected by the City. The inspection personnel shall be under the supervision of a Registered Professional Engineer unless exempted by the appropriate City department. The inspector must be qualified in the nature of the work being performed. A resume and experience record of the proposed inspector in regard to the type of construction shall be required. Such person or firm in charge of inspection shall have available all laboratory equipment required to perform the various tests needed in the control of the work.
(b) The inspector shall be present at all times during the phase of installation and testing.
(c) Daily reports detailing weather conditions, workers on the job, equipment used and inspection findings shall be written and submitted to the appropriate City Department on a weekly basis. Utility reports to the Superintendent of Utilities and all others to the Service Director.
(d) It shall be the responsibility of the inspecting person or firm to review the construction drawings and submit an estimated inspection fee to the City.
(Ord. 931221-145. Passed 4-5-94.)
(e) The cost of inspection shall be paid for by the subdivider/developer in the following manner. Prior to the start of work, the subdivider/developer shall submit to the City an approved engineer’s estimate of the project cost for those improvements requiring City inspection. Based on the approved engineer’s estimate the subdivider/developer shall submit to the City a Sub Developers Surety Bond, obtained from a company authorized to sell bonds in the State of Ohio and whose name appears on the Federal Government Treasury List, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the approved engineer’s cost estimate. In lieu of a Sub developers Surety Bond, a subdivider/developer shall provide a certified check for the full amount of the estimated inspection fee to the City. The developer shall submit, to the City, proof of payment of inspection fee to the inspecting firm and the City will release the deposited funds to the developer. If progress payments are made by the developer, the City will release the funds in the same manner after proof of payment.
(Ord. 001205-89. Passed 4-3-01.)