(a)    The preparation of plans in the design of pavements, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains, street lighting and public utilities shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer and shall bear his seal.
   (b)    City standard drawings shall be a part of the design.
   (c)    City standards include:
      (1)    Typical rigid pavement section A-1.
      (2)    Typical flexible pavement section B-1, B-2, B-3.
      (3)    Driveways No. 1-S.
      (4)    House drains No. 1-S.
      (5)    Standard catch basin No. 7-S.
      (6)    Standard catch basin No. 1-S.
      (7)    Standard catch basin No. 2-S and 3-S.
      (8)    Standard catch basin No. 6-S.
      (9)    Standard catch basin No. 8-S.
      (10)    Standard manhole No. 1-S.
      (11)    Standard manhole (drop) No. 1-S-D.
      (12)    Drains and sewers MC-1-S.
      (13)    Typical joint layout PJ-1 (s).
      (14)    Typical joint details PJ-2 (s).
   The Engineering Department may, from time to time, add or modify standards as they are needed.
(Ord. 731120-128. Passed 1-15-74.)