No interment of the dead shall be made within the City limits. However, nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the interment of the dead in the cemetery on North Lincoln Avenue, known as Hope Cemetery; or in the tract or parcel of land described as follows: Start at a point on the west line of North Lincoln Avenue, which point is the northeast corner of Hope Cemetery as now bounded and known, from this given point run thence northeasterly along the west line of North Lincoln Avenue 300 feet; thence west and parallel with the north boundary line of Hope Cemetery 1,075 feet to the west line of land now owned by Estate of Elizabeth P. Heaton, deceased; thence south 250 feet to a point on the north boundary line of Hope Cemetery 1,025 feet, but to the west line of North Lincoln Avenue, and being the point of beginning, containing about 5.7 acres of land; or in the cemetery on South Ellsworth Street, known as the "Friends Burying Grounds".
(1956 Code §371 01.)