(Prior Code, § 5-6-3)
The height regulations prescribed in § 152.105 shall not apply to television and radio towers, church spires, belfries, monuments, tanks, water and fire towers, stage towers, or scenery lofts, cooling towers, ornamental towers, and spires, chimneys, elevator bulkheads, smokestacks, conveyors, and flat poles.
(Prior Code, § 5-7-1)
(A) When 40% or more of the frontage on one side of the street between two intersecting streets is improved with buildings that have observed a front yard line having a variation in depth of not more than ten feet no building shall project beyond the average front yard so established; provided, however, that a front yard depth shall not be required to exceed 60 feet.
(B) Fences in which the openings between the material of which the fence is constructed represent less than 70% of the total surface may be erected to a height not exceeding four feet along the boundaries of a lot, except that no such fence shall be erected within 30 feet of a street intersection. Wire fences and other fences in which the openings between the materials of which the fence is constructed represent more than 70% of the total fence area may be erected to a height of six feet, except within 30 feet of a street intersection.
(C) An open, uncovered porch or paved terrace may project into a required front or rear yard for a distance of not more than ten feet, but this shall not be interpreted to include or permit fixed canopies.
(D) Filling station pumps and pump islands may be located within a required yard provided that they are not less than 15 feet from any street line or not less than 50 feet from the boundary of any residential district.
(E) Off-street parking facilities may be located within the required front yard of any C or I District but shall not be nearer than 50 feet to any R District, and no off-street parking shall be permitted in the required front yard of any R District.
(Prior Code, § 5-7-2)
(A) On a corner lot the width of the yard along the side street shall not be less than the required front yard on such street; provided, however, that the buildable width of a lot of record shall not be reduced to less than 32 feet. No accessory building shall project beyond the required yard line along either street.
(B) A porte-cochere or canopy may project into a required side yard; provided, every part of such porte-cochere or canopy is unenclosed and not less than five feet from any side lot line.
(C) For the purpose of side yard regulations, a two-family dwelling shall be considered as one building occupying one lot.
(D) Where a lot of record at the time of the effective date hereof is less than 50 feet in width, the required side yard may be reduced to 10% of the width of the lot; provided, however, that no side yard shall be less than three feet.
(Prior Code, § 5-7-3)
(A) Where a lot abuts on an alley, one-half of the alley width may be considered as part of the required rear yard.
(B) An accessory building not exceeding 20 feet in height may occupy not to exceed 30% and unenclosed parking spaces may occupy not to exceed 90% of the area of a required rear yard, but no accessory building shall be closer than ten feet to the main building nor closer than three feet to any rear lot line.
(C) The ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices, and ornamental features may extend to a distance not to exceed 18 inches into a required yard.
(D) Open or lattice-enclosed fire escapes, outside stairways, and balconies opening upon fire towers, and the ordinary projections of chimneys and flues into a rear yard may be permitted by the Building Inspector for a distance not to exceed five feet when these are so placed as not to obstruct light and ventilation.
(Prior Code, § 5-7-4)