General Provisions
91.01 Rules and regulations
91.02 Concessions
91.15 Establishment of cemeteries
91.16 Plats
91.17 Privileges of lot owners
91.18 Purchase of lots
91.19 Restrictions on burial
91.20 Forfeiture of rights and interest
91.35 Damaging park property
91.36 Smoking in parks; regulations
91.99 Penalty
Incorporation of state violations, see § 31.01
Responsibility for violations, see § 31.02
(A) No person shall within any park or city cemetery erect any structure, hold or participate in any meeting, parade, or exhibition, or speak publicly without first obtaining a written permit therefor from the Facilities Administrator as appropriate.
(B) No person shall drive or operate within any park or city cemetery a motor vehicle used solely for commercial purposes unless upon park or cemetery business.
(C) No person shall use any park, boulevard, or city cemetery drive for the purpose of demonstrating, teaching the driving of, or learning to drive any vehicle.
(D) No person shall tow another vehicle within any park or city cemetery except in case of a breakdown therein.
(E) No person shall, within a park, drive or operate any motor vehicle except on a designated roadway and no person shall park any motor vehicle except in a designated parking area.
(F) The City Manager is hereby empowered, subject to approval by the Council, to make such rules and regulations pertaining to the conduct and use of parks, park facilities, boulevards, and city cemeteries as are necessary to administer the same or to protect public property or the safety, health, morals, or welfare of the public, and no person shall fail to comply with any such rule or regulation.
(Prior Code, § 91.01) (Ord. D-1698, passed 7-26-1993, effective 8-5-1993) Penalty, see § 91.99
(A) No person shall sell or rent, or attempt to sell or rent, any service, merchandise, or object in any park or city cemetery without first entering into contract with the city to operate a park or cemetery concession, except that a group or organization may, on special occasion, sell to its own members, provided a written permit therefor has first been obtained from the Facilities Administrator as appropriate.
(B) The city reserves the right to operate any park concession it deems desirable. Where practical, concessions not operated by the city shall be awarded by competitive bidding and shall be awarded by the Council upon recommendation of the City Manager. No official or employee of the city shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any such concession contract.
(Prior Code, § 91.02) (Ord. D-1017, passed 4-17-1972, effective 4-27-1972) Penalty, see § 91.99
Plats of certain areas of the city’s cemeteries heretofore platted are hereby continued and recorded in the office of the Controller and Cemeteries Division. Said plats shall be recorded on a master map of each cemetery, to be prepared before January 1, 1942, and filed with the Controller and Cemeteries Division. The Council shall from time to time fix the price on all platted cemetery lots by resolution. The Council may from time to time plat additional cemetery lots or replat those already platted. Any Council resolution fixing the price of lots, platting, or replatting the same shall also amend the master map of the cemetery involved.
(Prior Code, § 91.16) (Ord. D-18, passed 1-27-1941, effective 2-13-1941)
Purchasers of any lot or lots shall acquire only the privilege or license to make interments in said lot or lots. The owner of any lot or lots shall not allow any interment therein for remuneration, and interments are restricted to members of the family and relatives of the owner thereof unless written permission is first obtained from the Facilities Administrator and filed with the Cemeteries Division to waive this provision.
(Prior Code, § 91.17) (Ord. D-18, passed 1-27-1941, effective 2-13-1941)
Any person purchasing a cemetery lot shall secure a certificate from the Sexton or Supervisor indicating that the desired lot is available for purchase. Thereupon the person shall make a request to the Cemeteries Division for the purchase of said lot. Upon full payment of the proper fees which may be established by the Council by resolution, the Cemeteries Division shall deliver to the purchaser a deed to the lot in question signed by the City Clerk and countersigned by the Controller. A complete record of the transaction shall be kept by the Cemeteries Division.
(Prior Code, § 91.18) (Ord. D-18, passed 1-27-1941, effective 2-13-1941)
No person shall inter or cause to be interred a corpse of any deceased person anywhere in said city except in the public cemeteries aforesaid or in a cemetery controlled by a religious society or corporation organized and equipped for that purpose.
(Prior Code, § 91.19) (Ord. D-18, passed 1-27-1941, effective 2-13-1941) Penalty, see § 91.99