(A)   Intent. The intent of the Main Street District (both east and west) requires ground floor storefront uses and architectural requirements in order to preserve the walkable, active interface with the public realm. Main Street buildings shall also meet the design specifications for the building form standards of § 153.423 and additional design standards of § 153.424, except as provided herein.
   (B)   Fenestration.
      (1)   Ground floor fenestration shall comprise a minimum of 70% of the ground story facade between two and eight feet above grade.
      (2)   Ground floor windows may not be made opaque by window treatments (except operable sunscreen devices). A minimum of 80% of the window surface shall allow a view into the building interior for a depth of at least 12 feet.
   (C)   Horizontal articulation.
      (1)   Horizontal articulation is the arrangement and proportion of facade materials and elements (windows, doors, columns, pilasters, and bays) into discreet bays.
      (2)   For each block frontage, facades shall be divided into discreet horizontally articulated bays at no greater than 60 feet each.
      (3)   Adjacent facades shall contain different wall materials and rhythm of bays to distinguish each storefront in the horizontal plane.
      (4)   There shall be a minimum of one functional entrance every full 25 feet of frontage.
   (D)   Ground floor articulation. Main Street buildings shall be designed to create a distinct and separated ground floor area through the use of a horizontal expression line, such as a string course, change in material or textures, awnings or canopies, or a sign band between the first and second stories.
   (E)   Uses.
      (1)   Only active ground floor uses are permitted:
         (a)   Retail sales and services;
         (b)   Restaurant/bar/lounge; or
         (c)   Residential and lodging uses.
      (2)   Support functions such as lobbies, rental offices, and club rooms may be located on the ground floor.
(Ord. O-202, passed 4-2-2018, effective 4-12-2018)