18.56.150   Annual reports and review of fees.
   A.   For each fee, within 180 days after the end of each fiscal year, the city manager shall prepare for the city council a report identifying the following information for that fiscal year:
      1.   A brief description of the fee;
      2.   The amount of the fee;
      3.   The beginning and ending balances of the infrastructure fund for that fee;
      4.   The amount of revenue collected from the fee and the interest earned on the revenue;
      5.   Identification of each component of the infrastructure on which revenues from the fee were expended and the amount of the expenditures for each component, including the total percentage of the cost of the component that was funded with the fee revenues;
      6.   For each incomplete component of the infrastructure for which the city determines that sufficient funds have been collected to complete financing of the component, identification of an approximate date by which construction of the component will commence;
      7.   The amount of refunds made in accordance with section 18.56.140 and of any appropriations made in accordance with subsection 18.56.140.C.2.b; and
      8.   The amount of any automatic annual adjustment made under section 18.56.120, including the basis of the calculation.
   B.   In addition to the report described in subsection A, the city manager shall present to the city council, at least once each fiscal year, a proposed capital- improvement program for the infrastructure, assigning fee revenues from the infrastructure fund (including any accrued interest) to specific components and related expenses. The adoption of a capital-improvement program must comply with California Government Code section 66002.
   C.   The city manager and the city clerk shall make the report described in subsection A available to the public as required by California Government Code section 66006, subdivision (b), and the city council shall review the report at its first regularly scheduled public meeting held at least 15 days after the report is made available to the public.
   D.   After consideration of the annual report described in subsection A, the city council may, by resolution, revise a fee described in subsection A to include additional projects that are needed, provided that all revisions are consistent with the applicable finance plan or nexus study.
   E.   This section does not apply to the extent a subsequent article in this chapter provides otherwise. (Ord. 2017-0010 § 1)