18.48.160   Use of funds.
   A.   Funds collected from the fees established by this chapter and deposited in their respective special funds established under section 18.48.150 shall be used by the city, or by the Sacramento Transportation Authority or other entity if funds have been transferred to that entity, for the purposes set forth in the Measure A nexus study and STA-Ord. 4-1:
      1.   Providing refunds as described in sections 18.48.170;
      2.   Funding the city's administration of the fee program implemented by the provisions of this chapter; and
      3.   Using the same as may be permitted under California Government Code section 66006.
   B.   Unless used or refunded as otherwise permitted under this section 18.48.160, moneys, including any accrued interest, not assigned in any fiscal year shall be retained in the same fund or account until the next fiscal year. (Ord. 2017-0050 § 1; Ord. 2009-005 § 4)