18.24.360   Use of funds.
   A.   Funds collected from the fees established by this chapter and deposited in their respective special funds established under Section 18.24.350 of this chapter, shall be used for the purpose of:
      1.   Expending for the payment of the costs of acquiring public land and regional park land under the North Natomas land acquisition program;
      2.   Providing for reimbursements as set forth in any resolution adopted pursuant to Section 18.24.330 of this chapter;
      3.   Providing for reimbursements to the city for the administrative costs in administering the North Natomas land acquisition program;
      4.   Providing for reimbursement to the city for the cost of acquisition of public land by condemnation or purchase and the regional park land acquisition costs expended by it; and
      5.   Providing refunds as provided in this article.
   B.   The city council, by resolution, may authorize the city manager to make loans among the different funds established pursuant to this chapter, and, where expressly authorized, other articles of this chapter, to assure adequate cash flow for the timely accomplishment of the purposes and uses of the fees deposited in each of the borrowing funds, while not causing an unreasonable delay in the accomplishment of the purposes and uses of the fees deposited in each of the lending funds.
   C.   Unless used or refunded as otherwise permitted under this section, moneys, including any accrued interest, not assigned in any fiscal period shall be retained in the same fund until the next fiscal period. (Prior code § 84.03.311)