Chapter 17.828
17.828.010   Purpose.
17.828.020   Tentative map required.
17.828.030   Preliminary design evaluation.
17.828.040   Submission of tentative map application.
17.828.050   Preparation and form of tentative map.
17.828.060   Information on tentative map.
17.828.070   Filing of tentative map application.
17.828.080   Tentative map process.
17.828.085   Reservations.
17.828.090   Tentative maps other than vesting tentative maps.
17.828.097   City council to act on tentative map if any entitlement requires city council approval.
17.828.110   Vesting tentative maps.
17.828.120   Withdrawal of tentative map.
17.828.130   Resubmittal of application.
17.828.140   Tentative map revision.
17.828.150   Conditional approval when critical soil problems exist.
17.828.160   Expiration.
17.828.170   Time extension.
17.828.010   Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish the city's regulations, standards and procedures for consideration of tentative map applications. It should be recognized that other agencies may have regulations, standards and procedures for tentative maps. (Ord. 2017-0009 § 22)
17.828.020   Tentative map required.
   A.   Except as provided in subsection B, for every subdivision, the subdivider shall file with the city a tentative map prepared in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   B.   Condominium projects as defined in California Civil Code section 783 for which a tentative map and final map are not otherwise required are exempt from the tentative map requirement, provided that the land before division contains less than five acres, each parcel created by the division abuts upon a maintained public street or highway, and no dedications or improvements are required. (Ord. 2017-0009 § 22)
17.828.030   Preliminary design evaluation.
   A.   Preliminary Design Plan. A subdivider may present for consideration by the subdivision review committee a preliminary design plan for informal design evaluation by the subdivision review committee before filing the tentative map application. The preliminary design plan should include, at a minimum, the following information:
      1.   Street layouts indicating location and type;
      2.   Basic lot design and size;
      3.   Land use;
      4.   Existing natural or man-made features on or adjacent to the site;
      5.   Existing and proposed topography on or adjacent to the site.
   B.   Within 30 days of the filing of the preliminary design plan, the subdivision review committee shall evaluate the plan to determine whether the preliminary design plan complies with the following:
      1.   City of Sacramento general plan;
      2.   Any applicable specific plans;
      3.   Planning and development code;
      4.   Adopted public improvement standards;
      5.   Other applicable standards and regulations.
The determinations of the subdivision review committee pursuant to this section are preliminary in nature, and are neither binding nor appealable.
   C.   A subdivider may not request preliminary design evaluation and seek to process a tentative map application for the same subdivision at the same time. A subdivider may withdraw a request for preliminary design evaluation at any time and thereafter file an application for a tentative map.
   D.   Fees. A fee, prescribed by city council resolution, shall be required for evaluation of all preliminary design plans. (Ord. 2017-0009 § 22)