17.604.100   Findings and declaration of purpose.
   A.   The city council finds and declares that significant aspects of the city's rich and diverse historic resources deserve recognition and preservation to foster an understanding of our heritage, and to promote the public health and safety and the economic and general welfare of the people of the city. The preservation and continued use of historic resources are effective tools to sustain and revitalize neighborhoods and business districts within the city, enhance the city's economic, cultural and aesthetic standing, its identity and its livability, marketability and urban character.
   B.   The city council further finds and declares that the purpose of this chapter is as follows:
      1.   To establish a city preservation program, commission and staff, to implement the preservation element of the city's general plan;
      2.   To provide mechanisms, through surveys, nominations and other available means, to identify significant historic, prehistoric and cultural resources, structures, districts, sites, landscapes and properties within the city;
      3.   To provide mechanisms and procedures to protect and encourage the preservation of the city's historic and cultural resources; and
      4.   To provide standards, criteria and processes, consistent with state and federal preservation standards and criteria, for the identification, protection and assistance in the preservation, maintenance and use of historic and cultural resources.
   C.   The city council further finds and declares that the administrative responsibilities of the preservation program established under this chapter shall be assigned to a preservation commission, a preservation director, and preservation staff as follows:
      1.   The preservation commission's primary responsibilities are to develop and recommend to the council preservation policies appropriate for inclusion in the general plan and other regulatory plans and programs of the city and to provide oversight relative to the maintenance and integrity of the Sacramento register of historic and cultural resources. The preservation commission shall review, nominate and make recommendations to the council on properties eligible for listing in the Sacramento register as landmarks, historic districts and contributing resources as set forth in this chapter. The preservation commission's role in reviewing development projects shall be limited to hearing projects of major significance and appeals of the preservation director's decisions as set forth in this chapter.
      2.   The primary responsibilities of the preservation director shall be to manage the preservation program; conduct surveys; make preliminary determinations relative to properties' eligibility for listing on the Sacramento register, the potential for listing on the California Register relative to discretionary development project review under CEQA, and maintain and update the Sacramento register; review and take action on development project applications as set forth in this title; manage incentive programs as established by the council; and advise property owners, the public, city departments, and other governmental agencies on preservation standards and incentives.
      3.   The primary responsibilities of the preservation staff under the general direction of the preservation director shall be to coordinate surveys, inventories, and nominations to the Sacramento register, make recommendations to the preservation director on the eligibility of properties for listing on the Sacramento register and California Register relative to discretionary development project review and relative to proposals to demolish structures 50 years old and older, and review and take action on development project applications, as set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)