The M-2-SPD zone corresponds to the transportation use designation in the Railyards Specific Plan. This zone is intended to regulate land uses around, within, above, and below public transportation corridors to ensure the development is consistent with the Railyards Specific Plan. This zone allows for dense transitoriented development, including retail, office, hotel, and residential uses typical of the Central Business District.
A. Allowed uses. Except as provided below, the uses allowed in the M-2 zone outside the Railyards SPD are allowed in the Railyards M-2-SPD zone. The following additional uses are allowed in the Railyards M-2-SPD zone:
1. Cinema;
2. Commercial service;
3. Community garden, public;
4. Dwelling, multi-unit;
5. Hotel, motel;
6. Manufacturing, service, and repair (this use is limited to 6,400 gross square feet and may include incidental, non-nuisance producing processing, packaging, and fabricating entirely within a building)
7. Office;
8. Passenger terminal;
9. Plant nursery (permitted if use is conducted in conjunction with a community garden, public);
10. Restaurant; and
11. Retail.
B. Conditional uses.
1. Except as provided in this section, if this title requires the approval of a conditional use permit or other discretionary permit, or imposes other restrictions or requirements on the establishment of a particular use in the M-2 zone outside the Railyards SPD, approval of the same discretionary permit and compliance with the same restrictions or requirements are required for the use in the Railyards M-2-SPD zone.
2. Auto rental in the M-2 zone require a conditional use permit approved by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with section 17.808.200.
C. Prohibited uses. In addition to the uses prohibited in the M-2 zone outside the Railyards SPD, the following uses are prohibited in the Railyards M-2-SPD zone:
1. Adult entertainment business;
2. Adult-related establishment;
3. Airport;
4. Animal slaughter;
5. Auto - sales, repair, dismantler;
6. Boat dock; marina;
7. Cannabis cultivation;
8. Cannabis dispensary;
9. Cannabis distribution;
10. Cannabis manufacturing;
11. Cannabis testing;
12. Contractor storage yard;
13. Cardroom;
14. Cemetery;
15. Correctional facility;
16. Drive-in theater;
18. Equipment - rental, sales yard;
19. Firearms business;
20. Fuel storage yard;
21. Gas station;
22. Golf course; driving range;
23. Gun range; rifle range;
24. Hazardous waste facility;
25. Heliport; helistop;
26. High voltage transmission facility;
27. Junk yard;
28. Kennel;
29. Livestock yard;
30. Lumber yard, retail;
31. Mini storage; locker building;
32. Mobilehome-sales, storage;
33. Mobile home park;
34. Mortuary, crematory;
35. Non-profit organization, meal service facility;
36. Non-residential care facility;
37. Recycling facility, convenience (includes accessory recycling facility, convenience);
38. Solid waste landfill;
39. Solid waste transfer station;
40. Stand-alone surface parking lot (as defined in section 17.444.020);
41. Superstore;
42. Surface mining operation;
43. Tobacco retailing;
44. Towing service; vehicle storage yard;
45. Terminal yard, trucking;
46. Tractor or heavy truck sales, storage, rental;
47. Tractor or heavy truck service, repair;
48. Warehouse; distribution center; and
49. Well - gas, oil.
D. Development standards. The development standards applicable to development in the M-2 zone outside the Rail-yards SPD are applicable to development in the Railyards M-2- SPD zone, except as follows:
1. Residential uses. The provisions of this title relating to height, yard, lot coverage/building size, and lot area per dwelling unit requirements for the C-3 zone apply in the Railyards M-2-SPD zone.
2. Open space requirements for multi-unit dwellings. Sections 17.600.135.A and 17.600.135.C.2, related to open space for multi-unit dwellings, do not apply within the Railyards M-2-SPD zone. All other provisions of section 17.600.135 apply.
a. A combination of private and common open space shall be provided for new multi-unit dwellings at a ratio of 25 square feet of open space per dwelling unit beyond the minimum required front-yard, side-yard, and rear-yard setbacks. Private open space must have a minimum width of 5 feet. Common open space must have a minimum width of 20 feet.
b. Notwithstanding subsection 2.a of this section, open space is not required for projects consisting of the conversion of a nonresidential building to a multi-unit dwelling. (Ord. 2021-0011 § 9)