17.232.090   Change from a nonconforming use to another nonconforming use.
   A.   Conditional use permit required. A zoning administrator conditional use permit is required to change an existing nonconforming use to another nonconforming use. The zoning administrator may approve the conditional use permit based on the finding that the proposed nonconforming use is similar to, or less intensive than, the existing nonconforming use, in addition to the findings required by section 17.808.200.
   B.   Establishment of use. Notwithstanding section 17.808.400, a conditional use permit for a change to another non-conforming use expires and is thereafter void if the new nonconforming use is not established within six months of the effective date of approval, unless a different date is specified by condition of approval.
   C.   Discontinuance of previous nonconforming use. At the time a new nonconforming use is legally established and replaces another nonconforming use, all rights to continue the prior nonconforming use expire. (Ord. 2013-0020 § 1; Ord. 2013-0007 § 1)