13.24.280   Reporting requirements.
   A.   Due dates for reports are as follows:
Due Date
Due Date
Monthly Revenue Report
On or before the first business day of the second calendar month immediately following the reportable month.
Quarterly Tonnage Report
On or before the first business day of the second calendar month immediately following the reportable quarter.
Quarterly Generator Report
On or before the 15th calendar day of the month immediately following the close of the reportable quarter.
Quarterly Account Status Report
On or before the fifth business day after the city sends the report to the franchised waste hauler for completion.
Diversion Plan Progress Report
On or before the 15th calendar day of the month immediately following the close of the reportable quarter.
Contamination Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Quarterly Report
On or before the 15th calendar day of the month immediately following the close of the reportable quarter.
Additional required reports
At the written direction of the solid waste manager.
   B.   Any report required under section 13.24.280.D that is not filed by the required due date is delinquent. If a report remains delinquent for more than 15 days, the solid waste manager may terminate or suspend the franchise as authorized by this chapter. In the event of unusual circumstances, the solid waste manager may grant a continuance to a franchisee to file a report.
   C.   A delinquent report fee shall be in addition to any franchise fees or other charges payable by the franchisee for the same period of time.
   D.   A franchisee shall file the following reports in the format and manner as required by the solid waste manager:
      1.   Monthly revenue report: a monthly report of the revenue generated by franchisee related to commercial solid waste collected, transported, diverted, or disposed within the city.
      2.   Monthly generator compliance report: a monthly report of the compliance status of all its customers within the city.
      3.   Quarterly generator report: a quarterly report of the service levels and other collection information of all its customers within the city. This report shall identify, at a minimum, the following:
         a.   The total number of businesses and non-residential property customers receiving service;
         b.   The total number of business and non-residential property customers receiving service who source separate recyclable materials;
         c.   The total number of multi-family residential property customers receiving service;
         d.   The total number of multi-family residential property customers receiving service who source separate recyclable materials and organic materials;
         e.   Jurisdiction identifier: unique identifier for each generator issued by city; and
         f.   Standard address format.
      4.   Quarterly account status report: a quarterly report confirming open and closed accounts.
      5.   Quarterly tonnage report: a quarterly report of the quantities of commercial solid waste collected, transported, diverted, or disposed within the city. This report shall contain the following information:
         a.   The commercial solid waste tonnage collected and removed during the previous quarter;
         b.   The commercial solid waste tonnage collected and removed during the previous quarter that was diverted and the location of the facility where the solid waste was diverted;
         c.   The commercial solid waste tonnage collected and removed that was disposed of during the previous quarter and the location of the disposal facility where the disposal of such waste occurred;
         d.   The total number and individual identification and address of all customers the franchisee serves and whether those customers subscribe to recycling or organic material recycling services; and
         e.   The progress in implementing its diversion plan and achieving the diversion performance requirements set forth in section 13.24.310.
      6.   Quarterly route contamination review report: a quarterly report documenting collection routes that have been reviewed for contamination and the results.
   E.   Franchisees may use information supplied by diversion facilities to meet the requirements of this section.
   F.   All franchisees shall maintain records in the format and manner as required by the solid waste manager pertaining to the number and types of accounts served by the franchisee. This information shall be provided to the solid waste manager upon request. If upon review of this information by the solid waste manager it is determined that the franchisee has claimed credit for the diversion of solid waste that is already being diverted by a third party for purposes of satisfying the diversion requirements set forth in section 13.24.310, such action by the franchisee shall constitute cause for termination or suspension of the franchise pursuant to section 13.24.210.
   G.   The solid waste manager shall establish guidelines, forms, and other appropriate material to assist franchisees in preparing the reports required by this chapter.
   H.   The solid waste manager may require other reports as needed to ensure compliance with state or federal law.
   I.   All required franchisee reports must contain data that is accurate, correct, and complete. If inaccurate data is identified within a report, an inaccurate reporting fee shall be assessed. Fees will be added to the next monthly revenue invoice.
   J.   In addition to any other remedy available under this chapter, a late fee per day for each customer account will be imposed for any report that is not submitted within the time required to the solid waste manager. Fees will be added to the next monthly revenue invoice. (Ord. 2023-0024 § 48; Ord. 2021-0003 § 15)