12.12.240   Restoration of public right-of-way.
   Any disturbance by a person of pavement, sidewalk, driveways, landscaping, striping or other surfaces shall be restored, repaired or replaced to the condition existing prior to the disturbance as determined by the director.
   Any disturbance of landscaping, fencing or other improvements upon private property, including private property traversed by easements or rights-of-way utilized by a person, shall, at the sole expense of the person, be promptly repaired, restored, or replaced to the reasonable satisfaction of the property owner as soon as possible. Each person shall, through authorized representatives, make a reasonable attempt to personally contact the owners or occupants of private property in advance of entering such property for the purpose of commencing any installation of facilities within easements or rights-of-way traversing such property. (Ord. 2009-022 § 2)