A. It is unlawful for any person to sell, give or loan to any person under eighteen (18) years of age, any BB gun, air gun, pellet gun, or spring gun, within the city.
B. No person, under the age of eighteen (18) years, shall have in his or her possession or control any BB gun, air gun, pellet gun, or spring gun, within this city, except while in immediate custody of his or her parents as hereinafter provided.
C. The chief of police is authorized to establish training programs for minors, and also to license the establishment of shooting ranges and galleries in proper locations.
D. Any person under the age of eighteen (18) years may, while in custody of and under immediate control of his or her parent or guardian, use a BB gun, air gun, pellet gun, or spring gun, to shoot at an inanimate target on range or in a shooting gallery which has been authorized by the chief of police.
E. Any person desiring to operate and maintain a shooting range for BB guns, air guns, pellet guns, or spring guns, within the city, shall first apply to the chief of police for a permit, on an application form to be furnished by the chief of police. If, upon investigation, it appears the range can be maintained at the location specified in the application, without danger to the public, then and in that event the chief of police may issue a permit. (Prior code § 48.01.010)
There shall not be kept within the city more than fifty (50) pounds of powder, or other explosive substance, by any one person, and every person keeping such articles shall keep all they have in one metal case, with metal cover and handles, plainly marked "POWDER," which shall be kept near the front door, and shall display conspicuously upon the front of the building a sign plainly marked "GUNPOWDER KEPT HERE." (Prior code § 26.01.018)