Chapter 2.13
Article I. General Findings
2.13.010   Title.
2.13.020   Findings.
2.13.030   Purpose and intent.
Article II. Definitions
2.13.040   Definitions.
Article III. Contribution Limitations
2.13.050   Contribution limitations.
2.13.055   Filing of statement of organization large political committee prior to making contributions.
2.13.060   Aggregation of contributions.
2.13.065   Written solicitations by candidates.
2.13.070   Transfers of funds or contributions by committees to controlled committees of candidates for city elective office.
2.13.080   Aggregate off-election year contribution limitations.
2.13.085   Legal expense funds.
2.13.090   Contributions by spouses and children.
2.13.100   Contributions by spouse, children, or family members of candidate.
2.13.120   Periodic review.
Article IV. Filing and Disclosure Requirements
2.13.130   Filing of campaign statements-Electronic format.
2.13.150   Independent expenditures.
2.13.160   Independent expenditures-Advertisements-Disclosures.
Article V. Enforcement
2.13.170   Application of state laws.
2.13.180   Enforcement.
2.13.190   Injunctive relief.
2.13.195   Authority for Fair Political Practices Commission to enforce chapter.