2.13.030   Purpose and intent.
   The city council of the city of Sacramento enacts this ordinance to accomplish the following purposes:
   A.   To encourage public trust in the electoral and decision-making processes of the city, and to ensure that individuals and interest groups have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in the elective and legislative process;
   B.   To reduce the potential for influence by large contributors with a specific financial stake in matters before the city, thus countering the perception that decisions of municipal officials are influenced more by the size of contributions than by the merits of proposals and what is in the best interest of the residents of the city;
   C.   To encourage smaller contributions;
   D.   To allow municipal officials and elected candidates to spend a smaller portion of their time on fundraising and a greater proportion of their time working on and discussing important city issues;
   E.   To help restore public trust in the city's legislative and electoral institutions; and
   F.   To limit the use of loans and credit in the financing of political campaigns for municipal elective office. (Ord. 2000-048 § 1)