5.28.610   Request for inventory.
   Proceedings for the acquisition by the cable television commission or its assignee under this chapter shall be commenced by written notice mailed to the franchisee of a request by the commission or its assignee for an inventory of the franchisee's property. Such a notice shall not be mailed earlier than the following dates:
   A.   The date a determination by the board of directors of the commission to terminate the franchise becomes final under Sections 5.28.1880 or 5.28.1890 of this chapter, when the purchase is made pursuant to the contingency prescribed by subsection A of Section 5.28.550 of this chapter;
   B.   The date of a determination made pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.28.500 of this chapter, by the board of directors of the commission not to renew the franchise, or the date renewal is deemed denied, when the purchase is made pursuant to the contingency prescribed by subsection B of Section 5.28.550 of this chapter. (Prior code § 20.03.252)