Pursuant to provisions contained in state law, and for the purposes of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and explosion, there is hereby adopted by reference the current edition of the International Fire Code with state amendments as adopted by the State of North Carolina. This document is also known as the North Carolina State Building Code, Volume V, Fire Prevention Code. This code shall also be known as the Fire Prevention Code for the city. The adoption of the IFC/NC Fire Code includes all of the chapters and the applicable provisions set forth in this document including any and all subsequent changes as may be deemed necessary and approved by the City Council. The following appendix to the North Carolina Fire Code is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference: Appendix D, Fire Apparatus Access Roads. These shall be the same as if set forth verbatim and the same is made applicable within the corporate limits of the city from and after the effective date thereof. Copies of the code shall be on file in the office of the City Manager and the Fire Chief’s office.
(`90 Code, § 8-26; Am. Ord. passed 5-14-02; Am. Ord. passed 5-14-12) Penalty, see § 91.99