(a) Only one main subject or motion concerning action on that subject shall be before Council at one time.
(b) When a motion to act on the main subject before Council is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the Chair before debate. Any member may demand that it be reduced to writing.
(c) After any motion is made, such motion shall not be withdrawn by the mover without the consent of a majority of the members of Council present.
(d) When a motion has been made to act on the main subject before Council, no other motions shall be entertained except the following, which shall have precedence in the following order and to which the following qualifications pertain:
(1) To adjourn. This motion is always in order except: upon immediate repetition , in interruption of a member speaking or when the previous question has been ordered or a vote is being taken. This motion is not debatable, except as to the time for resumption of the meeting.
(2) To recess.
(3) To lay on the table. This motion shall preclude all amendments or debate of the subject under consideration. If it prevails, the consideration of the subject may not be resumed except upon the consent of the majority of the members present.
(4) To vote on the previous question. This motion shall only be passed when approved by four or more members and until decided, shall preclude further debate. If it is made as to an amendment, it shall apply only to the amendment. It shall be put to vote in the following form: “Shall the debate now close?” If it is carried, the previous question shall be put without further debate.
(5) To postpone to a time certain. All motions to postpone, except motions to postpone indefinitely, may be amended as to the time at which the subject under consideration will later be considered.
(6) To refer or recommit.
(7) To amend. This motion is susceptible of but one amendment thereof. Once it is rejected, it may not be made again in the same form. It shall be in order to move to amend an ordinance or resolution at any reading.
(8) To postpone indefinitely. If this motion be carried, the principal question shall be declared lost.
(9) To read by number and title only. This motion may be made at any reading of an ordinance or resolution. See Section 111.09(c).
(10) To dispense with the second and third readings of an ordinance or resolution. This motion may only be made when an ordinance or resolution is introduced for its first reading. See Section 111.09(b).
(11) To declare an ordinance or resolution an emergency measure. This motion may be made at any reading of an ordinance or resolution. See Section 111.10.
(e) A call of Council to ascertain the number of motions pending before Council may be ordered at any time. Any member may demand the division of a question under consideration when its sense will admit thereof.
(Ord. 1078. Passed 1-24-77.)
(f) When the Chair puts a question to a vote, the Chair shall state the question. Every member of Council present shall vote either “aye” or “no” unless a member of Council abstains due to a conflict of interest. The Clerk shall announce the number of votes on each side. The Chair shall declare the decision in accordance with the vote on the matter.
Each ordinance and resolution shall indicate at the end thereof the names of the Council persons who vote “aye” or “no” as follows:
Council persons voting aye:
Council persons voting no:
(Ord. 2021-30. Passed 6-28-21.)
(g) Council hereby finds that it would be helpful in the introduction and explanation of each ordinance if the initiating Councilmen and/or department or department head were to be listed and therefore Council directs that each ordinance, in its introduction and explanation, list such initiator.
(Ord. 92-009. Passed 2-10-92.)