1335.01 Statutory authorization.
1335.02 Findings of fact.
1335.03 Statement of purposes.
1335.04 Methods of reducing flood losses.
1335.05 Lands to which these regulations apply.
1335.06 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard.
1335.07 Abrogation and greater restriction.
1335.08 Interpretation.
1335.09 Warning and liability disclaimer.
1335.10 Severability.
1335.11 Definitions.
1335.12 Administration.
1335.13 Floodplain development permits.
1335.14 Application required.
1335.15 Review and approval of a floodplain development permit application.
1335.16 Inspections.
1335.17 Post-construction certifications required.
1335.18 Revoking a floodplain development permit.
1335.19 Exemption from filing a development permit.
1335.20 Map maintenance activities.
1335.21 Data use and flood map interpretation.
1335.22 Substantial damage determination.
1335.23 Use and development standards for flood hazard reduction.
1335.24 Appeals and variances.
1335.25 Enforcement.
Construction permits and prohibitions for dams, dikes or levees - see Ohio R.C. 1521.06
Marking flood areas - see Ohio R.C. 1521.14
Article XVIII, Section 3, of the Ohio Constitution grants municipalities the legal authority to adopt land use and control measures for promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens. Therefore, the City of Rossford, State of Ohio, does ordain the following. (Ord. 2011-31. Passed 6-13-11.)