§ 155.206  INITIATION.
   (A)   A change in the boundaries of any district may be initiated by the owner or the authorized agent of the owner of the property filing an application for a change in district boundaries as prescribed in § 155.207.  If the property for which a change of district is proposed is in more than 1 ownership, all the owners or their authorized agents shall join in filing the application.
   (B)   A change in boundaries of any district, or a change in a district regulation, off-street parking or loading facilities requirement, general provision, sign requirements, exception, or other provision may be initiated by action of a property owner, property owners, the Zoning Board of Appeals, or Village Board, provided that the procedures prescribed in §§ 155.207 through 155.211 shall be followed.
   (C)   A proposal for a change in district boundaries initiated by the Village Board and one initiated by a property owner for all or part of the same area may be considered simultaneously.
(Ord. 1992-10, § 1701, passed 3-18-1993)