(A)   On a monthly basis, the Clerk shall prepare a statement of charges assessed against each property for the previous month according to the users water use and the table of fees in § 1-7-1 of this code of ordinances. The Clerk shall mail a statement of charges assessed to the user at the address provided to the Clerk by the property owner. The recorded owners of the property shall be responsible for payment of all water charges incurred herein. All bills for water are due and payable on the tenth day of each month, and shall be delinquent at the close of business on the fifteenth day of each month in which they are due. If the fifteenth falls on a holiday or weekend day (Saturday or Sunday), they shall become delinquent at the close of business of the next business day.
   (B)   Charges shall be delinquent if not paid on or before the due date, and a delinquency which continues 15 days or more shall result in termination of water service unless arrangements acceptable to the city have been made. When any water bill for any premises is delinquent, a penalty set by resolution of the City Council will be assessed on the first business day following delinquency. If the delinquency is not paid by the due date of the bill for the following month, then two months’ charges are delinquent, and penalties will be assessed for the second delinquency. In addition, the Clerk shall prepare and forward to the owner of such premises by mail or post upon the property a notice of delinquency. The notice shall state with particularity the amount and period of such delinquency and shall require the owner either to pay the delinquency, in full, on or before a date certain, or to appear before the Water/Wastewater Committee to show reasons why water service to the premises should not be discontinued. In the event the delinquent bill has not been paid within the time specified in the notice, and the property owner fails to appear as required or, having appeared, has failed to show cause why water service to said premises should not be discontinued, the PWD shall discontinue such water supply at noon on the first Monday thereafter.
   (C)   Once terminated, the water service shall not be restored until the user’s account is paid in full, including both current and delinquent charges including the expenses of notice and mailing, or until arrangements acceptable to the city have been made. The city shall have the sole discretion to decide what arrangements, if any, are acceptable.
   (D)   The city shall have an action at law for the collection of delinquent charges or place the same upon the real property tax as an assessment and may also recover reasonable collection costs and attorneys’ fee.
(1992 Code, § 7-1-1111) (Ord. 06-01, passed 11-6-2006)