(a) Initial or first time inspections as per the following specific itemized list are included in the fee for the building permit:
(1) Excavation.
(2) Drains and sewers.
(3) Framing.
(4) Final and occupancy.
(b) Reinspection or repeat inspections for any purpose other than the convenience of the City: $50.00.
(c) Special conditions, in apartments, office or other buildings completed in phases, such as by unit, floor, wing, etc., the initial inspections as per Subsection (a) hereof may be performed for each such phase as determined by the Building Commissioner to be required. In such case, the initial inspection in each phase shall be considered to be covered by the fee for the building permit.
(d) Special inspections on street openings by the gas, electricity and telephone utilities shall be at the rate of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per hour. This is for the services of the Inspector, as specified in Section 901.09 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Rocky River.
(Ord. 139-02. Passed 9-23-02; Ord. 79-16. Passed 12-19-16.)
(e) Street openings by the Cleveland Water Department shall be at the rate of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) per opening for inspection and restoration of the pavement.
(f) Sewers and streets in new subdivisions: The work rates and charges deducted from deposits shall be at the rate of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per hour for an Inspector. For work performed by the City crews in cleaning and similar operations, the charges against the deposit shall be the actual cost to the City for such services.
(g) Any special inspections performed by anyone other than City employees may be authorized and/or required by the Mayor or Building Commissioner for any new building application, proposed development or redevelopment. All costs to the City that are incurred for such special inspections shall be reimbursed by the developer. From the date of billing by the City, the developer shall have 30 days to pay such costs. If such costs are not timely paid by the developer, the Director of Law is hereby authorized to initiate legal proceedings to collect same.
(Ord. 41-05. Passed 4-11-05; Ord. 79-16. Passed 12-19-16; Ord. 90-19. Passed 12-16-19.)