(a)   The purpose of this Chapter is to create the legal framework for a comprehensive, balanced system of visual communication devices hereinafter referred to as freestanding ground signs, wall signs, roof signs, projecting signs and window signs, thereby to facilitate easy and pleasant communications between people and their environment. With this in mind, it is the intention of this Chapter to authorize the use of signs which are:
      (1)   Compatible with their surroundings, enhance and protect the physical appearance of the community.
      (2)   Expressive of the type of activity to which they pertain (residential, retail, commercial, and manufacturing districts) and of the community as a whole.
      (3)   Legible and in conformity with the circumstances in which they are seen.
      (4)   Located and designed to reduce sign distraction and confusion that may be contributing factors in traffic congestion and accidents, and maintain a safe and orderly pedestrian and vehicular environment.
      (5)   Located not to obstruct sight distance at the intersection of streets, alleys, or driveways.
      (6)   Establish review procedures that comprehensively evaluate the appropriateness of a sign to the site, building, and surroundings.
   (b)   For the purpose of this Chapter, a "sign" includes the following as defined:
      (1)   "Changeable copy" means a sign on which the message or graphics are not permanently affixed to the structure, framing or background, but which may be manually replaced (ex. bulletin and announcement boards).
      (2)   "Electronic message board" means a sign or changing display, copy or message board, composed of a series of lights that may be changed automatically and/or remotely through electronic means.
      (3)   "Freestanding Ground sign" means a permanent outdoor sign supported by one or more uprights or braces in or upon the ground and includes ground supported pole signs.
      (4)   "Outdoor sign" means any arrangement of letters, figures, symbols or other devices used for advertisement, announcement, direction or declaration, intended to attract or inform the public, affixed or attached to the exterior walls of a building or other structure or upon constructed surfaces erected, attached or supported outdoors. The word "sign" shall be interpreted to include the structure of such sign.
      (5)   "Projecting sign" means a permanent outdoor sign which is affixed or pinned to a building wall
      (6)   "Roof sign" means a sign which is displayed above the eaves and below the roof line.
      (7)   "Signable area" of the building means an area of the facade of the building up to the roof line which is free of windows and doors or major architectural detail.
      (8)   "Temporary business sign" means an outdoor business or commercial sign to be displayed for a limited period of time.
      (9)   "Wall sign" means an outdoor sign affixed or attached to the wall of a building or other structure and projecting not more than twelve inches from the face of the wall.
      (10)   "Window sign" means any arrangement of letters, figures, symbols or other devices used for advertisement, announcement, direction or declaration, intended to attract or inform the public, which is affixed to, painted on, or placed inside of a window so as to be read or viewed from the outside. The glass or clear plastic portion of an exterior door shall be considered a window for purposes of this definition.
         (Ord. 39-11. Passed 12-12-11.)