No land, building, or structure in any zoning district shall be used or occupied in any manner to create a dangerous or objectionable condition, substance or element, in such a manner or in such amount to adversely affect the adjoining premises or surrounding area. All uses shall comply with the following performance standards:
(a) Americans with Disabilities Act. All uses shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all other applicable federal, state, and county regulations.
(b) Lighting and Glare. All exterior lighting and conditions that generate glare shall comply with the requirements of Section 1181.13
, Lighting Regulations.
(c) Heat. No use shall generate heat that is perceptible without the aid of instruments at any point beyond the lot occupied by the use.
(e) Vibration. Vibrations, which are perceptible without the aid of instruments, shall not be permitted beyond the lot occupied by the use generating such vibration.
(f) Odors. No use shall emit malodorous gas or matter that is discernible on any adjoining lot or property.
(g) Air Pollution.
(1) No use shall cause the emission of dust, dirt, fly ash, fumes, vapors, or gases which can cause any damage to human health, animals, vegetation, and property, or which can cause any soiling or staining of persons or property at any point beyond the lot line of the use creating the emission.
(2) Dust and other types of air pollution borne by the wind from sources such as parking areas, storage areas or yards shall be kept to a minimum by appropriate landscaping, paving, oiling, or other acceptable treatment.
(h) Fire Hazards. Flammable or explosive materials shall only be permitted in structures having incombustible exterior walls after approval by the Fire Marshall.
(i) Storage Handling. Storage handling and use of flammable liquids shall comply with regulations as set forth in Bulletin No. 30-L of the National Fire Protective Association. Storage of other materials in yards or structures shall comply with other fire protective codes of the City of Rocky River and all parts shall be accessible to firefighting equipment.
(j) Solid Waste. Solid waste, including empty packing crates and other excess materials, shall not be allowed to accumulate on a lot and shall be disposed of on a regular basis and enclosed within a wall or fence, as required by this Code.
(k) Liquid Waste. If liquid wastes are disposed of in containers, they shall be appropriate containers, and the wastes shall be removed from the site on a regular basis. Liquid waste or sewerage shall not be discharged into a reservoir, stream, or other open body of water or into a storm or sanitary sewer except as allowed by other codes of the City of Rocky River, County, State or similar jurisdictional authority.
(l) Noxious, toxic or corrosive fumes. Noxious, toxic or corrosive fumes or gasses shall not be emitted that shall be injurious to the property, vegetation or health of the people residing in any adjacent district.
(m) Radioactive or Electrical Disturbances. Radioactive emissions or electrical discharges shall be confined to the use and lot from which they originate and shall not occur across any lot line.
(n) Infectious and Medical Waste Materials. The storage, incineration, or disposal of infectious or medical waste materials in such a manner or in such quantities as to produce a public nuisance or a hazard to the public health and welfare of the community shall not be permitted.