The Mixed Use Overlay District (MX) is established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) Provide an opportunity for a mix of land uses consistent with the City's Master Plan, while protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare;
(b) Provide for and encourage a balanced, compatible mix of uses, rather than a separation of uses, in a pedestrian-friendly environment;
(c) Establish development standards that allow for flexibility while protecting adjacent property from undue adverse impacts;
(d) Reinforce or create community character within Mixed Use Developments that is consistent with the City's Master Plan;
(e) Promote investment in locations where investment is otherwise impeded due to small lot sizes, inefficient shape of the property, the shallow depth of the zoning district on the primary street frontage, the existing underutilized development, or development that exhibits functional obsolescence;
(f) Discourage "strip" development in order to promote pedestrian friendliness; and,
(g) Create vibrant public spaces through the use of pedestrian-oriented design principles and enhanced aesthetic design of buildings and structures.