Outdoor activities permitted in the Business Districts, as set forth in Schedule 1167.03, shall be permitted only when accessory to a permitted or conditionally permitted principal use and in compliance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Outdoor Display. The outdoor display of merchandise for sale, except motor vehicle sales establishments, shall comply with the following:
      (1)   The regulations in Section 731.04  of the City of Rocky River's Codified Ordinances;
      (2)   The outdoor display area shall comply with the building setback requirements set forth in Schedule 1167.07 for the district in which the lot is located;
      (3)   The outdoor display area shall not be located in areas intended for traffic and pedestrian circulation or parking as identified on the approved development plan; and,
      (4)   Any proposed outdoor display areas shall be approved as part of a Development Plan Review Procedures in accordance with Chapter 1127.
   (b)   Storage of Goods and General Merchandise. The outdoor storage of goods and general materials shall be an accessory use associated with a permitted use in those zoning districts where permitted pursuant to Schedule 1167.03 and shall comply with the following:
      (1)   Outdoor storage of materials shall include the storage of goods, materials, or products associated with the principal use. The storage of radioactive, toxic or otherwise hazardous materials shall not be permitted.
      (2)   All outdoor storage of goods and materials shall be enclosed with a solid wall or fence, including solid gates and shall be screened according to the requirements set forth in Chapter 1185, Landscaping and Screening Regulations. The solid wall or fence and the associated gates shall be maintained in good condition. No barbed or razor wire shall be permitted.
      (3)   All materials shall be stored in such a fashion as to be accessible to fire-fighting equipment at all times.
      (4)   Areas devoted to outdoor storage shall be located in a rear yard so that it is behind the principal building and not visible from any public street, unless the storage is located on a corner lot. The enclosed area shall be setback fifteen (15) feet from any property boundary that abuts a single-family residential district and in no case shall the side and rear setback of the enclosed area be less than ten (10) feet. On corner and through lots, the enclosed area shall be setback fifteen (15) feet from any street right-of-way.
      (5)   The area of the lot devoted to outdoor storage shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the gross floor area of the first floor of the building(s) on the lot.
      (6)   Any proposed outdoor storage areas shall be approved as part of a Development Plan Review Procedures in accordance with Chapter 1127.
   (c)   Storage of Vehicles and Equipment. The outdoor storage of vehicles and equipment shall be an accessory use associated with a permitted use in those zoning districts where permitted pursuant to Schedule 1167.03 and shall comply with the following:
      (1)   All stored vehicles or equipment shall be necessary to and customarily associated with the principal use;
      (2)   All vehicles or equipment shall be in an operable state and with a current registration, if applicable. In no case shall inoperable vehicles be stored;
      (3)   All outdoor storage of vehicles and equipment shall be enclosed with a solid wall or fence, including solid gates and shall be screened according to the requirements set forth in Chapter 1185, Landscaping and Screening Regulations. The solid wall or fence and the associated gates shall be maintained in good condition. No barbed or razor wire shall be permitted.
      (4)   All materials shall be stored in such a fashion as to be accessible to fire-fighting equipment at all times;
      (5)   Areas devoted to outdoor storage of vehicles and equipment shall be located in a rear yard so that it is behind the principal building and not visible from any public street, unless the outdoor storage is located on a corner lot. The enclosed area shall be setback fifteen (15) feet from any property boundary that abuts a single-family residential district or is adjacent to a public street right-of-way and in no case shall the side and rear setback of the enclosed area be less than ten (10) feet; and,
      (6)   The area of the lot devoted to outdoor storage shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the gross floor area of the first floor of the building(s) on the lot.
      (7)   Any proposed outdoor storage of vehicles or storage shall be approved as part of a Development Plan Review Procedures in accordance with Chapter 1127.