Business Districts (LB, GB) and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To promote the most desirable land use and traffic patterns in accordance with the objectives of the City of Rocky River Master Plan;
(b) To provide sufficient areas, in appropriate and convenient locations, for business activities and the exchange of goods and services;
(c) To protect residential neighborhoods adjacent to business uses by regulating the types of establishments, particularly at the common boundaries, that would create congestion, noise or other objectionable influences;
(d) LB - Local Business District. To accommodate retail and service uses that typically serve a limited neighborhood area, or other retail uses that serve a more general market area but can successfully operate within a neighborhood district. Such commercial uses are necessary to satisfy basic shopping and service needs that occur frequently and must, therefore, be located close to residential areas. The character of these districts is intended to be compatible with that of surrounding residential neighborhoods. Buildings in these districts are typically smaller in scale than those found in the general business districts.
(e) GB - General Business District. To accommodate a broad range of commercial services and activities in locations adequately served by major streets and other facilities and to provide a wide range of goods and services to a large consumer population coming from an extensive area.