All uses shall comply with the following:
   (a)   Utilities. All utilities shall be located underground, except that utility appurtenances may be constructed above-ground as approved by the City as part of the development plan approval.
      (1)   Water lines and appurtenances shall be designed and installed in conformance with the requirements of the City of Rocky River and the City of Cleveland Division of Water;
      (2)   Sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances shall be designed and installed in conformance with the requirements of the City of Rocky River.
      (3)   Site lighting shall be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1189, Lighting Regulations.
   (b)   Storm Drainage Provisions. Each CRD shall include provision of a storm drainage system designed and constructed by the developer in accordance with the Construction Standards of the City of Rocky River to handle surface runoff.
   (c)   Open Space Requirements.
      (1)   Any common open space areas provided by the applicant shall be as set forth on the approved detailed development plan, however, that common open space should be located and designed to be integrally related to the overall design of the development and to conserve and protect significant natural features such as wetlands, woodlands, streams, lakes, historic features, and environmentally sensitive areas.
      (2)   The ownership of all common open space shall be identified and a perpetual maintenance plan for said common open space shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the Law Director and the Zoning Administrator. Said perpetual maintenance plan shall set forth responsibility for maintenance of all such common open space and describe the method of financing for said maintenance program. The perpetual maintenance plan shall become part of the development plan.
   (d)   Additional Submission Requirements. In addition to the requirements set forth in Chapter 1137, detailed development plan submissions for CRDs shall be accompanied by proposed easement documentation, a certified estimate of the construction costs of proposed improvements prepared by the applicant's design engineer, and a perpetual maintenance plan for all common areas, private streets, guest parking areas, and other shared facilities.
   (e)   Performance Guarantee Required for Improvements. Prior to the commencement of construction, each CRD shall provide a performance guarantee to ensure completion of landscaping, hard surfacing of private streets, drives and parking areas, improvements within public rights-of-way or easements, water lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm sewers, and surface water drainage, and other improvements integral to the proposed project in conformity with approved plans. Such guarantees shall be in a form approved by the Law Director, and shall be in an amount equal to the estimated construction cost of the improvements as determined by the City Engineer. Performance guarantees shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of any building permits.
   (f)   Compliance Required. Subsequent to the approval of a CRD all development or construction within the Cluster Development shall be in substantial compliance with the approved detailed development plan and any conditions of such approval adopted by the City. Any departure from the approved detailed development plan shall be deemed to be a violation of this Development Code.