Cluster Residential Developments (CRD) shall be permitted in the R-1 and R-2 Districts to encourage and accommodate creative and imaginative CRDs that provide alternative housing types in a unified project. In compliance with the following regulations, it is intended that CRDs will utilize innovations in the technology of land development that are in the best interests of the City. These regulations are designed to achieve, among others, the following objectives:
(a) To promote economical and efficient use of land and reduce infrastructure costs through unified development.
(b) To permit the flexible spacing of lots and buildings in order to encourage the separation of pedestrian and vehicular circulation; the provision of readily accessible open areas; and the creation of functional and interesting residential areas.
(c) To minimize the impact of new development by reducing curb cuts onto major thoroughfares and collector streets.
(d) To ensure that Cluster Residential Developments are compatible with surrounding single-family neighborhoods and comply with these objectives by requiring the submission of development plans and establishing a review process to ensure that all developments are consistent with these regulations.