(a) Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall connect each building entrance to the parking area serving that building, to other buildings on-site, to recreational facilities that are provided as part of the development and uses, as appropriate, on adjacent lots and to any public sidewalk.
(b) Building Location. To provide a sense of enclosure and definition to an existing public street, the front wall of the principal structure(s) shall be parallel to such existing public street(s) or to its tangent, if the street is curved. There shall be at least one (1) entrance facing such public street and the principal windows of the building(s) shall also face this public street. The Architectural Review Board may grant an exception to this standard where necessary due to the shallow depth of the parcel, the shape of the parcel, the location of mature trees or other significant environmental features, the location of historical buildings/structures, the proximity of residential uses, or other similar circumstances.
(c) Contextual Building Separations. To create contextually appropriate separations between buildings, principal buildings should be placed on the site to mirror the existing building separations or those found on the nearest block face in the surrounding neighborhood. These separations maybe accomplished by the space between buildings; architectural features, such as columns or pilasters; varying the front setback of connected buildings; creating a courtyard that breaks up the mass of the principal building; and/or altering the roofline of connected buildings.
(d) Character. For all newly constructed principal buildings, the design, scale, and building materials shall be residential in character and reflect the character desired by the City's Master Plan for the area surrounding the proposed development.
(e) Screening Mechanical Equipment. All ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened as set forth in sub-section 1185.13
, Screening of Accessory Uses. All roof top equipment shall be enclosed in building materials that match the structure or which are visually compatible with the structure.