An application for a change of district for a proposed public facility shall not be approved unless, after a determination, the Commission shall find that the use applied for complies with the standards and criteria as follows:
(a) That the proposed use shall be in accord with the objectives of the land use or Master plan and shall be located so as to have access only on an arterial or collector street, excepting that it may be located on a local street provided it is found that the extent and intensity of the proposed development shall not substantially increase the volume and type of traffic movements on the local street.
(b) That the proposed use is necessary to serve the neighborhood or the residential community at large and that the need cannot be served satisfactorily or that its environment would not be compatible if located in a nearby non-residential district.
(c) That the dimensions of the site are sufficient to fully provide the area, setback and lot coverage requirements, and to insulate it from the surrounding dwellings.
(d) That the location, design and operation of such use shall not discourage the appropriate development or impair the value of the surrounding residential areas.