It is the intent of these regulations that the general development concept shall generally indicate overall design of the proposed development project. Information submitted should be comprehensive enough to enable understanding of the existing site and concept for the proposed development. The applicant shall submit the number of copies as determined by the Zoning Administrator. The information submitted should include the following:
   (a)   Completed Application Form along with the application fee.
   (b)   Vicinity Map indicating the location of the site in the city and the general location of principal thoroughfares.
   (c)   Regional Context Map. A map indicating the proposed site and all parcels within 2000 feet in all directions showing the basics of the proposed site layout, all property lines, general location of structures on all parcels, and existing land use on all parcels.
   (d)   Map of Existing Conditions and features drawn to scale, with accurate boundaries of the entire project and a north arrow, including the property proposed for development, all adjacent rights-of-way and 100 feet of property immediately adjacent thereto, indicating:
      (1)   Existing public improvements, permanent facilities, easements and property boundaries;
      (2)   Location of existing structures on the site and abutting properties;
      (3)   Physical features and natural conditions of the site including the location of streams, tree masses, open spaces, etc.;
      (4)   General topography;
      (5)   Existing zoning district boundaries and jurisdictional boundaries;
      (6)   Surface drainage and areas subject to flooding;
      (7)   Existing public and private utility systems;
      (8)   Regional transportation system.
   (e)   The General Development Concept Map, drawn to scale with accurate boundaries of the entire project and a north arrow, including the property proposed for development, all adjacent rights-of-way, and 100 feet of property immediately adjacent to the property boundary, indicating:
      (1)   Depiction of proposed land uses, including open space areas, indicating the approximate acreage by land use, density and type of buildings or dwelling units;
      (2)   The location of any lands to be dedicated to any public agency;
      (3)   The general circulation pattern;
      (4)   The relationship of the proposed project to the surrounding area