Applications for proposed amendments shall contain at least the following information:
   (a)   The name, address and phone number of the applicant and the property owner if other than the applicant;
   (b)   A statement of the reason(s) for the proposed amendment;
   (c)   A statement on the ways in which the proposed amendment relates to the Master Plan;
   (d)   The payment of the application fee;
   (e)   Amendments to the Zoning Map adopted as part of this Development Code shall contain the following additional information:
      (1)   Legal description of the parcel(s) to be rezoned, drawn by an Ohio registered/licensed surveyor;
      (2)   Present use and zoning district;
      (3)   Proposed use and zoning district;
      (4)   A vicinity map at a scale approved by the Zoning Administrator showing property lines, thoroughfares, existing and proposed zoning, and such other items as the Zoning Administrator may require;
      (5)   A list of all owners of property within, abutting on and directly across the street from the parcel or parcels to be rezoned or redistricted, and in addition, the owners of property which is contiguous to (touches upon) any of the aforesaid property which abuts on or is directly across the street from the parcel or parcels to be rezoned or redistricted, as such addresses appear on the County Auditor's then current tax list or the County Treasurer's mailing list;
      (6)   Photographs of the subject property and adjacent properties; and,
      (7)   Existing topography at two-foot contour intervals of the property to be rezoned and extending at least 250 feet outside the proposed site, and including property lines, easements, street rights-of-ways, existing structures, trees and landscaping features existing thereon.